Our Policies and Procedures |
Below are a few of our policies; detailed extended policies can be access upon request.
Opening & Closing Times |
- Our doors open from 7:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
- The School closes at 1PM daily for children in the Explorer, Lower Nursery & Upper Nursery classes.
- The Crèche is open 52 weeks of the year and closed only on public holidays.
- The Crèche closes daily at 5:00pm and all parents with children in the crèche are expected to pick up their children at 5:00pm.
- Late pickups will incur a lateness fee.
- We are closed on all public holidays unless otherwise advertised
Admissions |
- At Kerridale, we adhere to a strict admissions policy on our intake of children with regards to their age and respective class. Below is a breakdown of the age and the class the child should be in September.
Age in September |
Class |
3 months to 12 Months |
Crèche |
1 |
Early Bloomers |
2 |
Explorers |
3 |
Lower Nursery |
4 |
Upper Nursery |
Settling-In Policy |
- Upon offering a child a place in our nursery, we expect parents and carers to help the nursery settle the child by spending a little more time in the nursery. The following is recommended:
- First day - One hour with parents/carers familiarizing themselves with the nursery
- Second day - One hour with parents/carers sitting separately in the nursery.
Homework Policy |
- In aiming to provide a total development and learning culture, Kerridale would always send children home with homework. It is expected that our parents being partners in our children’s development would support their child with their homework.
- All parents and carers are expected to fill out a Homework Agreement Contract which must be handed in before a child begins at the nursery. Full details of homework frequency and expectation can be found on the Parent Information Board
School Wear Policy |
- Children aged 2 and above are expected to wear the provided school uniform on the indicated days.
Payment of Fees |
- A registration fee will be charged for each child on first registering with the nursery.
- Parents are advised to pay their children’s fees before resumption date, to avoid children being sent home. This would usually happen two weeks into resumption.
All other policies are available upon request. |